When treating ringworm of the body, if have brothers tinea, fingernail tinea, must treat at the same time, otherwise ineradicable. 治疗体癣时,若有手足癣、指甲癣,必须同时治疗,否则不能根除。
If ringworm of the body is extensive person, can take griseofulvin or ketone health Zun, 3~ is one period of treatment 4 weeks. 若体癣广泛者,可服灰黄霉素或酮康唑,3~4周为一疗程。
Underwear boil disinfection also is the important step that treats ringworm of the body. 内衣煮沸消毒也是治疗体癣的重要措施。
Expression of ringworm of the body is erythema papula, blister, show cricoid or coin shape. 体癣表现为红斑丘疹、水疱,呈环状或钱币状。